Wednesday, April 30, 2008

About to Bake Something Fattening and Have it Delivered to All Your Houses

I would just like to take this opportunity to say thank you so very much, to my friends (on the computer and not), former co-workers, and most especially my perfect husband, who've been so sympathetic, outraged on my behalf, full of good, smart, sensible, and proportion-keeping advice, and so supportive it's impossible for me to feel even a little sorry for myself.

I've been laid off and lost jobs before, but I've just never ever felt such a bunch of great support and encouragement before from my peeps. I am truly and thoroughly grateful, and I know how lucky I am.

Treen, Kimberly, Merseydoats, Goon Squad Sarah, Kerry, and Dan: You are all such a bunch of total rock stars. I heart you.


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

And we heart you too.

Anonymous said...

If I'd known showing support would get me mentioned, I'd have been a lot nicer to you before.