Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Google Keywords Strikes Again

I gotta say, it just gets better and better all the time.

you smell wast rock its coking rock: Your problem is obvious.

Tsunami marketing campaign: Vacation on the beach in Thailand, anyone?

Secret of good photojournalism: There are two. An unlimited budget and a flexible view of situational ethics.

Place to go on a Thursday: Somewhere with dollar beers, I'm thinking.

Only child boring: Let me make a suggestion: maybe it's you who's boring.

My route to college: In a nutshell, be offered an athletic scholarship you don't want. Pay out of pocket to go out of state. Annoy your parents to no end.

Mom on sex machine: ...Please tell me that's another word for, like, an elliptical trainer or something like that.

I wanna be Santa Claus: I don't think the job is open.

Google: You googled Google and ended up here? Really? I think your internet might be broken.

Bad mom blog Molly: Yeah, whoever you are, say it to my face.

Roundup and Aspartame: I guess I should stop watering my African violet with Diet Coke, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! I looooove this post!

What is up with the search terms and how do these freaks find us???

You are a riot!
